The Clampetts go high-tech!!!!

For those of you who may know my parents, you know as well as I do that technology confuses them. A lot of baby boomers have trouble with operating newer techno stuff. Today starts to change that a little (i hope). My Mom and Dad have just hooked up the internet. They went with the same provider that I went with and are very happy that they did. Here is a pic of the computer that will undoubtetly be part of the cause of new stress. For them and me!!!! LOL
Sarge 99
Hey Jethro! Thanks for all your help. Hey! Wait a minute! What's that I see? Come here honey! I think they're piping in sunlight...let's call Sarge. He'll know what it is, for sure. I may be dumb about some things but I was smart enough to give birth to you. You are one of us...ha, ha, ha, ah (read: evil laugh)
Wooooo come on Ellie Mae!! Lets head down to the ol cement pond and catch some critters for supper!! You know I kid cause I love yall and can!!
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