Making things right!!

Well folks, here I am with my trusty cup of coffee, my computer and my (new to me) office chair ready to post yet another snippet of the travels of my life. I trust that you all had a good Fathers Day and you made time to spend with your dad. I know that I did. First a little backstory, My Mom has always been a proponet of family. This is a great quality to have. She called me a few days after my last post to blast me for not mentioning my own father, so I would like to take this time to explain, which by the way is not something that I normally do. Usually on Sunday morning after breakfast, I get me a nice hot cup of joe and head to the computer room. I take the time to log into the blog and then I look out my window to the back yard and I just think. When I do start typing I just throw down whatever is in my head. That is why there seems to be no real structure to my blog. Hence the name. I am usually interrupted a few times by my wonderful wife Angie or my beautiful daughter Madison. I would say that most of my blog time is spent in this fashion. In the time that I have been here I have only deleted one post and that was a personal one that I genuinely changed my thought on after just a few days. Let me make some things clear, I have never and will never delete any comments to any post unless it is just spam. So please feel free to express your opinion to what I put here. That way at least I know you are reading it. HAHAHA. Back to Fathers Day, it is true that I didn't mention my own DAD in that post but that was not by design. Just the way the words played out. I did however understand where MOM was coming from so I would like to take this time to talk about my DAD. I can attribute all of my work ethic to watching him as a child. We were not a rich family by any means, but we never went without the things that we really needed. My MOM was a stay at home mom and we never had to worry about the bills not being paid or DAD not wanting to spend time with us. I remember most of the time he would get off work at the furniture factory just to come home and eat supper, at the table without tv, and then go and work a part time job just to make sure that MOM didnt have to go and get a job. He slaved away in that dusty dark factory making desks for CEO's and the like. He did it for around 20 or so years. I could not imagine working all day and not seeing the birds in the tree outside my office window, his office was a machine. Dad now runs his own contruction company. Its just him and his helper but coming from part time home improvement to taking the test to become a licensed General Contractor is no small feat. DAD and I share several interests, Bowling is the one thing that makes us seem like friends instead of parent/child. Dad and I dont always agree, but in my 32 years I have come to a conclusion....WHO DOES ALL THE TIME? That's ok too. We both love some remarkable women, Mom, Angie, and Madison, We both share a love of motorcycles, I just dont have mine quite yet, and we both want what is best for our families. The old saying is true, ANYONE CAN BE A FATHER, BUT IT TAKES SOMEONE REALLY SPECIAL TO BE A DAD!! LOVE YA POP!!!
You are such a genuinely kind person. I know I give you a hard time and, as I said, during our "discussion", you are dealing with a menopausal MOM, which is my excuse of the decade when I jump to conclusions and make a fool of myself. Thank you for cutting me a lot of slack and making me feel better. Of course, now I'm crying, after reading that. Thanks a bunch.
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