Spring has Sprung!!
Well all it looks as if spring is upon us. Yours truly has already cut the grass 3 times this year. That is about all I did last year all together. So I have one question for the local governments and weather people......WHAT DROUGHT??!?!?!?!?!?!!? Most of the local weather people are still saying we are in a severe drought. Well let me just tell you a few things, THERE IS NO MORE DROUGHT!!! The government and the local news stations only survive on you being scared. Scared there is a shortage of water, gas and other basic essentials to human life as we know it. The truth is we have no shortage of any of these. There is plenty of oil in the world but it takes the people who matter to not give in to every special interest group to be able to drill where they need to. You granola eatin, tree huggin, prius driving hippy idiots know who I'm talkin to here. Lets address the water issue now. Have ya looked on either side of the country??? Thats a ton o water there people. The money would come in with filter systems to make it worthy of drinking. We as a people need to band together and bring some common sense back to the people who matter!!! Get out and Vote this year and let your voice be heard!!! THAT IS ALL!!!!
“You granola eatin, tree huggin, prius driving hippy idiots know who I'm talkin to here.”
Now, please allow me to take exception to your comments… I’m one of those Prius owners (my wife that is) and it’s not the environment she is saving driving this car, it’s her pocketbook! At 55mpg and her driving habit ranging from 200 miles a week or more, a tank of gas goes a long way! As for your other comments directed towards me, this tree huggin hippy never passes up a good knot hole, rain or shine. And I don’t know ‘bout you but you can’t get a tree swaying without giving it a good hug! Even the Sierra Club handbook has instructions along with illustrations to ensure that you practice ‘save tree hump’in’. Sprinkling a little granola only adds to the pleasure and when its time to unload, it is hard to determine what nuts are falling, yours or the trees! So in the future, do your research before blaming us ‘tree huggers’ for all the ilk in the world. The focus here should not be us humble nature lovers but all the farts keeping us from enjoying some of life’s simple pleasures.
"So in the future, do your research before blaming us ‘tree huggers’ for all the ilk in the world." First off I didnt blame all of anyone for the ilk in the world. "it’s not the environment she is saving driving this car, it’s her pocketbook! " good for you!!! thank goodness you have that extra money to put into more Sierra Club handbooks. "Even the Sierra Club handbook has instructions along with illustrations to ensure that you practice ‘save tree hump’in’." Do me a favor and let them know they spelled the word "safe" wrong. Or do you just want them to save tree humpin.?? And lastly, I have never NEVER used this kind of language in this blog and would appreciate if you didnt as well and if your gonna blast me for something I said, At least have the courtesy to use 1. proper spelling, 2. proper manners. and 3. the guts to let me and the other readers know who you are. NOW PISS OFF!!!
Sorry if I pinched a nerve however you bring up an excellent observation regarding 1) Proper Spelling; eaten not eatin, talking not talkin, Let's not lets and That's not thats. I guess my one error overshadowed your four! 2) Proper manners; 'NOW PISS OFF!!! ditto... 3) the guts to let me and the other readers know who you are; You offer a button called 'Anonymous'. Don't like it, turn it off. This is more fun then sipping seawater cocktails!
I sincerely apologize to you for not always using the proper spellings on some of the words on here. "This is more fun then sipping seawater cocktails!"
So why are you here again?? Oh that's right, because I attacked your precious Prius. Well I am sorry that I love my 4x4 and my gas that should come from our country and not rely on some towelhead who just wants to kill us anyway!!! "Now piss off" yeah that's right I said that cause I lost my cool for a min, I STILL MEAN IT!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE BLOG THEN DON'T READ IT!!
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