Monday, November 28, 2005


WELCOME!!!!!! To all of the Cliff Clavinites out there!!!

If the quotes of Gil Grissom (CSI) interest you, If Cliff Clavin (Cheers) is your idol : ), If the thought or practice of taking photos of dead or dying shopping centers is your thing.............

WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a 30 yr old father of a 3 yr old little girl and husband to a beautiful (imo) 27 yr old lady. The names I use from here on out will be changed to protect the innocent. I want this to become something fun to take our minds off of the everyday worries we all have. I have a ton of useless info just swimming around in my head at all times. My wife says I should find a way to let it out and I think I have found that here. My hobbies include (but are not limited to) watching NASCAR, playing roller hockey, CSI, exploring dead and/or dying shopping malls, grocery stores,etc. I am new to the computer thing so please bear with me. I am working on creating a Msg Board for some of the different topics that we can share. Should be up soon. Most of all I want you all to feel welcome. HAVE FUN!!!!!!