Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hello out there!!!

Well folks here we are again. Summer is in full effect with the heat, the beach trips, sunburns, hurricane season,etc. I hope that you all had a great Memorial Day and took the time to tell a veteran THANK YOU for their sacrifice. Remember if it were not for these brave men and women fighting for our country we would not be able to sit at these screens all day and talk about our interests and problems. Now lets get down to business. I have made the decision to delete the media review blog that I have and consolidate it all into this one. This one tends to get more readers anyway. If any of you care I thought I would take this time to tell you what is happening in my life right now. My birthday is coming up in 27 days and I will be 32. My daughter will be starting school in the fall and OMG I cant believe how fast the time flies. My wife and I are in the process of finding or building a new house and by the end of the year should be saying goodbye to the home we moved into and began our lives together. I have learned some valuable lessons in the past few months that I would like to share with all of you. 1. If you are going to do something for yourself and/or your family, These are the only people that should be involved in any decision making. (Thanks MOM). 2. Separate yourself from negative people, If you continue to listen to these people you will find yourself going down the same paths as them. 3. Whatever you want to do to your body should be your business, if others dont live in your skin then you do not have to explain yourself at all. Just a few observations from life. My family and I went and really enjoyed a trip to Kure Beach,NC this past week. Angie and I had to come home early because of work but Madison was able to remain there with Mom and my grandparents until this past saturday. She was having a blast but we were all ready to get back to good old Randolph County. The pic that I am posting is my Grandfather (minister). When I thought of taking it I had to hesitate because it appeared that he was personally talking to GOD himself. I will admit that I do not respect or listen to most preachers cause most of them are full of crap. But in my 32 years, noone has had a more profound impact on my spritural life than POPS. He may not agree with me and I may not him, but we both respect each other and always know where we stand with each other. As we near Fathers Day, I believe that it is important to let that father figure in your life know how much you love and respect them. I also want you to know that in my never to be humble opinion, that respect and love are earned and not required. Take it from me. And while we are on this subject why is it Mothers Day is seen as a day to profess your love for your mom in any way possible, while Fathers Day is just another day to HAVE to BUY a gift??? Every day that my little girl runs to me with hug seems like Fathers Day to me. Also,(sorry for the rant) when did disipline become such a bad thing, I work around kids in my part-time job constantly, and these kids have no disipline at all. They are just a status symbol for their idiot "parents" who want to be able to say that they want kids. But as soon as they have them they immediatly ship them off to every possible activity they can think of so they can live vicariously thru them. PEOPLE!!! Let these kids just be kids!!!! I look around when I hear about another safety law put into effect to "protect children" and I am talking about not letting them ride ATV'S till they are 16, or making them so padded that they cant even really learn how to ride a bike and learn from falling. The contiuned wimpification of this society is out of control. Every one out there is worried about actually disiplining their kids because of groups like the ACLU, and other people who dont actually have kids or have them and let them run the house, call DSS on you for loving your kids enough to teach them right from wrong!!! I say let the kids be kids like we all were and look!! we all turned out ok I think. Now, lets get the blood pressure back down and we wont even mention the other things that are crawling up my crawl right now.

ALL OF YOU HAVE A GOOD WEEK!! I promise to be better about blogging in the near future.