Merry Christmas Y'all!!!!!
Well it's that time of year again. The Holiday season is upon us. For me I knew it was last night, we came home after going out to eat dinner and sat as a (gasp), brace yourself now, FAMILY!!! and watched Frosty the Snowman while eating christmas cookies with glasses of cold milk. Now I am a self-proclaimed child of the 80's. It seems to me that things were a ton more simple even then. Maybe Mom and Dad just didnt focus on the negative things being said about people like us who believe in God and the birth of Christ. But every year now its the same old thing, "We have to say Happy Holidays!! Not Merry Christmas!!" "That may offend someone!!". Well get ready to get offended!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Thats right I said it!! And trust me I say that to everyone!! Not because I am trying to shove my beliefs down your throat but because thats just what I say! If that offends you well tough!!! I dont give a flip if that offends the Muslims, Jews, Chinese, Mongolians, Catholics, Russians, Martians, (insert your favorite action group here). I am not always the brightest example of it but yes I am a CHRISTIAN!! NOOOOO Not a Christian!!! Yes thats right a good old southern U.S. born boy who believes in the story of Jesus and what he did for all of us!! Dont like that outlook?? Well let me pause while you back away from your computer and try to kill this screen so you dont have to read any farther. .................................................................. There is that better?? I dont go around like some Christians all up in arms trying to save every soul on the planet like there is a heavenly prize for who converts the most by the end of our lives. I read in the news recently about the silly Muslims who were all ticked off and demaned the DEATH penalty for a lady in the Sudan who allowed the children she was teaching to name a (hold on to your seats now) TEDDY BEAR, and they named it after their prophet. (To borrow from a morning radio show that I listen to) COME ON!!!!! SERIOUSLY?????? Hey Muslims, IT'S A TEDDY BEAR!!!!!! OOOO heres an idea maybe I will change my name to Mohammed, boy wouldnt that be something, a good old fashioned 4x4 driving, Free Bird singin redneck like me calling myself Mohammed!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! That ain't happening!! I will stick with the name I was given by my parents. I would like to see some more Christians out protesting these stores that try to take Christ out of Christmas. I will be right there on TV with them, but I may need a crazy looking wig so people will take me seriously,(Insert mental pic of me in an Al Sharpton wig). Could you imagine if a bunch of Christians started calling for the death penalty for a teacher who let the children name a class fish JESUS??? As a parent I would be thrilled. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Hear that Muslims????? Know why you would never hear about Christians doing that??? Cause the majority of us have good sense. So to the minority of us I say, Get off the tv!!!! You are giving us Christians a bad name!!! Sorry for the rant just had to get it out. Thanks for listening and in closing I say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD DAY!!!!!
p.s. Ed that was a goal the other night, The goalie pulled it out with his glove. HAHAHAHA