Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Vacations are never long enough

I was only gone a week but I have been so busy that I just haven't had time to post. Looks like the Wal-Mart on the old Carolina Circle Mall property is just about ready to open. Just what the world needs, ANOTHER wal-mart. Has anyone here seen the movie Office Space?? I work with Milton. He is 63 yrs old and very set in his ways and is currently driving me up the freaking wall this morning. But that is at my full-time job. My Parttime is going great and it looks like I will be busy through the fall. Madison is growing like a weed and shares my love of malls. She will be 4 on Oct 14th. I promise I will begin posting more often. If anyone reads and enjoys this please send more readers my way. I would be more apt to post more often if I knew anyone cared. Sorry had to get it out. Talk to ya later..